Elegance Collective

Bloom: Daily Elegance & Femininity Nuggets

  1. Your ability to receive, and to receive with joy and without guilt, when it comes to things beautiful, nourishing and wholesome things like love and gifts you didn’t have to work so hard for, is one of the indicators of how much harmony you have with your feminine energy.
  2. If you don’t show up as high value with your manner of speech, your style, and your choices, why would you get surprised if you got low value treatment? Every day, you set the stage for what you will or will not allow in your life.
  3. Do not level up just for a man, or for a relationship; level up for yourself, first and foremost, because you are worth it! And then, any good things that come out of it, are welcome extras!
  4. Why spend your time with someone who dims your feminine glow when you could spend that same time levelling up and attracting better prospects, opportunities and experiences?
  5. Your femininity will not blossom and flourish in a relationship that is full of disorder. Role reversal is disorder. Struggle love is disorder. Desperation and confusion is disorder.Pluck yourself out of relationships, people and circumstances that deplete your softness and feminine essence.
  6. You cannot rush your transformation. You cannot skip the process. Real change takes time, and if you stop now, the transformation will take longer. Keep going and be patient with the process. Your breakthrough is coming.
  7. When you are levelling up, and you get to the messy middle, focusing on what you have instead of what you don’t have will get you through the tough days. An abudance mindset and grateful heart, will help you overcome the scarcity mindset and self-sabotage habits.
  8. Do not be afraid of being by yourself for a period of time if that means that you will finally have the space to heal and levelup. Sometimes, elevation requires separation.
  9. The first thing people notice about you is your appearance, not your personality.Your dressing, grooming and body language should make a great first impression!
  10. Start surrounding yourself with more elegant things and people; start adding touches of luxury in your current environment; start treating yourself to the best you can find and afford right now.What will happen is that you will start expecting the best for yourself, treating yourself as best as you can and in turn, you will raise the bar for other areas of your life.
  11. Stop dating men who make your life miserable. A man who doesn’t love, respect and support you, has no business living rent free in your heart. Realign your priorities!
  12. Do not confuse having class with being rich, elite or being in higher ranked social-economic classes.Being classy, or having class has more to do with your conduct, emotional intelligence (etiquette, manners and how you interact with others), and how you present yourself.Money can buy many things but it cannot buy class. Money can buy you luxury bags and shoes that make you look expensive but if you lack proper decorum, the lack of class will show.
  13. Do not let anyone fool you into thinking that time is not of essence. Every single day you spend with a partner with no future or one who is toying with you is a day you will never get back.If you are still In the dating phase, you need to be very strategic about the kind of people you date by improving your vetting skills.
  14. When you transform and level up, people will judge you, talk about you, and maybe even make up stories about you to try and keep you small and in the box of who used to be in your past. Still, keep levelling up.First they doubt you, speak about you, but when they see your life upgrade, then they will start secretly admiring you, and copying you. Let them, because they’ll always be a step behind.
  15. No matter your age, past or upbringing, you can always start over again if you realise that your life is not going in the direction you want it to. You have within you, all that you need to make this tranformation a reality.
  16. Unfortunately, the more masculine traits you embody as a woman, the more unmanly men you will attract.This is how polarity works.Feminine women, on the other hand, attract and keep masculine men who are happy and eager to court them, tend to their needs and cherish them.
  17. Simple ways to add a feminine touch to your style everyday; wear floral, fruity or sweet scents and fragrances; wear dresses often as they are effortlessly feminine; accessorise with feminine pieces such as scarves, hats & handbags
  18. Raising the bar for the quality of your life has to start with you; NO ONE CAN DO IT FOR YOU. It also does not happen overnight; it is the small incremental consistent changes that gradually make you a levelled up and elegant lady.
  19. To fully embody your feminine energy as a lady, you need to unlearn the conditioning you received from our patriarchial society, your family, and your mother (figure), that has made you masculine in most areas of your life.
  20. Painful relationship patterns are there to teach you something. So before getting into the next relationship, take some time off and ask yourself; is your feminine energy wounded and suppressed? Are you dominantly masculine as survival and protective mechanism?
  21. Burnout is your body’s way of telling you to slow down and ease into your softness, into your essence, into your feminine energy. Are you listening?
  22. You can let go of your old story. It’s safe to let go of the weight. Give yourself the permission to be open and free, because it’s safe to let the good things to come into your life.
  23. It is one thing to gather knowledge about feminine energy, and it is another to allow the embodiment that alchemises your essence.Embodiment is the process that transforms you from wishing you were an elegant feminine woman, to actually being the dream version of yourself.
  24. There is no one way to be feminine; the feminine essence remains the same but it will manifest differently for every woman based on her personality, feminine archetype, personal preferences and her unique life story.So let go of the pressure to be like another woman, and discover yourself.
  25. How you think of yourself translates into how you let others treat you, what you accept, how you dress, how you show up and speak to yourself.Do you think highly of yourself? Do you see yourself as the prize, or do you treat yourself like an afterthought?
  26. If as a woman, you grew up in a home where you were only recognised for your achievements, you were conditioned to believe that being in your masculine is what will get you recognized, loved, and cherished.In adulthood, you may have realised that working harder in relationships does not necessarily yield the same results.Instead of working harder and losing yourself, step back. It’s time for you to lean back, and learn how to harness and embody your feminine energy.
  27. Being well-dressed, well-mannered, and well-groomed is the very first step to being elegant and refined but you should not just stop there.Cultivate your communication and listening skills, refine your taste in food, music and art, expose yourself to other cultures and alternative forms of thinking so that you can easily interact with people from all walks of life.
  28. Without proper vetting skills to help you identify high-quality and compatible partners, you will waste your time and energy on people who disappoint you and leave you emotionally drained no matter how good you are as a person.
  29. You are worried that it is too late to rediscover your femininity, but time is still going to pass whether you start now or go on with the same patterns.Would you rather that it is one year later and you are still stuck in your old ways, or would you rather that you will have rediscovered your feminine essence by then?
  30. Your disconnection from your feminine essence is no longer serving you; it is keeping you away from the closeness and intimacy that you seek. Sky high walls, versus openness to receive and be seen? You decide!
  31. It is upto you to decide if you will continue sacrificing your time and resources for situationships that go nowhere, or if you will address whatever makes you think you are not worthy of a fulfilling committment
  32. Deeply connecting with your feminine essence allows you to lean into your intuition and honour your body signals such as tension, and deeply helps in setting boundaries and helping you avoid potentially dangerous situations.
  33. If you are having a hard time embodying your feminine essence, examine your environment, the people you are often around, and how you spend your day.Identify what is constantly putting you in an unnecessary masculine mode, and depending on your lifestyle needs, adjust accordingly.
  34. Examine the relationships with the men in your life; from your father figures, to your brothers and close male friends, to the previous and current love interests in your life.Do you feel safe around them? Do you feel honoured in their presence? Do you see or find in them the masculine you desire to have more of in your life?
  35. Elevation requires separation.In your transformation as you level up, you will need to seperate yourself from unhelpful relationships, patterns and mindsets that no longer serve you, and where you are going.The question is, why are you holding on so tightly to what no longer serves you?
  36. A sign that you need to reconnect with your feminine energy, is when you feel guilty about taking a break to rest because you associate relaxation with laziness and weakness.Constantly running on empty to cater to the needs of others will leave you exhausted, depleted and burnt out.
  37. Your feminine essence does not exist solely for the pleasure of the male gaze.Its vitality or lack thereof, also sets the rhythm for other areas of your life such as your well-being, how grounded and content you are, your levels of happiness and the development of your emotional maturity.
  38. As a lady, you will attract both good and bad guys, both high-value and low-value men.What you need is to have great vetting skills that will help you avoid getting yourself in relationships and situationships that leave you bitter, jaded, and heartbroken.
  39. When you’re in the middle of your transformation, when you’re no longer who you were, and you’re not yet who you envision, it will feel messy, and some days, you will wonder if you’re on the right track.But that is what the process of growth is like. You’re in the middle of a metamorphosis, and that means one thing; you shouldn’t stop! Keep going! You’re almost there!
  40. You have all you need; the brains, the beauty, the smarts, the network to achieve the the dreams you have in mind but if you do not have the confidence to get out of your comfort zone, they will remain just that.Ask yourself, who or what has been stealing your confidence?
  41. To lead an elegant life, you have to choose between the tasteful and the distasteful, you have to let go of manners and habits that are not classy, and you have to educate yourself to make refined choices that give you an atmosphere of effortless grace, and quiet confidence.
  42. Start living like the woman you want to become; show up like her; walk, sit and speak like her; dress, live and travel like her; maintain yourself like her, because here’s the thing, no one is going to make her a reality except you.
  43. One major mistake we make as women is that we give power to other people over our lives, and deny that same power to ourselves. We seek approval and permission from our fathers, husbands, boyfriends, friends, mothers, sisters, relatives, and Lord knows who else.Instead you need to realise that your life will change for the better the day you take that power back, and YOU DECIDE to start making choices, decisions and investments that propel you to a better future.
  44. You want to lead a soft life, and you think it’s not happening because you don’t have pretty privilege, or money to splurge on material luxury items to display on social idea.But the real problem is that you don’t have a real plan on how to deal with and get rid of people, things and commitments that drain you, always keep you in your masculine and leave you unfulfilled and running on empty.
  45. Do not fall into the trap of thinking that time is not of the essence. Every single day you spend with a man with no future or one who is toying with you is a day you will never get back.The quality of life and happiness you will have later in life once you’re in a long-term commitment or marriage is heavily dependent on the dating choices you make now.
  46. You want to lead an elegant and soft lifestyle, but you find that you don’t know where to start, and you’ve been told you are masculine in many ways.So, where to start? Based on experience, I would say to begin with reconnecting with the suppressed feminine side of yourself, it will open the doors for you to go beyond feminine style, and will make it easier to become more graceful without forcing things.
  47. Do not confuse having class with being rich. Being classy, or having class has more to do with your conduct, emotional intelligence (etiquette, manners and how you interact with others), and how you present yourself.Money can buy many things but it cannot buy class. Money can buy you luxury bags and shoes that make you look expensive but if you lack proper decorum, the lack of class will show.
  48. Dressing feminine and acting feminine is cool. But guess what is better than that? You truly being authentically feminine, from the inside out.And depending on your personality, your background, and your life story all matter, your journey of rediscovering and embodying your feminine energy will be uniquely yours.
  49. You cannot ask for more from life if you do not know you need more. You will not seek to enjoy the finer things in life, if you do not even know that you deserve them in the first place.It is time to stop surviving; raise the bar in your life so that you can finally start thriving!
  50. Do you want to know what separates ladies who live their life to the full, and those who barely get to realise their dreams (given the same resources)?It’s the lack of a clear strategy and focus, that prevents you from putting in the work to overcome your limiting beliefs, fears and procrastination.
  51. If you pour into others to the point of having little or none left to yourself after nurturing them, your task then, in order to reclaim yourself, is to learn how to redirect that energy into yourself.No amount external validation will make up for the self-neglect and self-abandonment you are putting yourself through in the name of love.
  52. One of the secrets to tapping into your feminine essence is to not “do more” but to rest in your “being”.For us modern women, stillness is hard work, because we have been conditioned to peg our sense of self-worth on how much we can do versus simply rooting our deep sense of self-worth in who we are.
  53. Being unappreciated sucks. Having to constantly stay in your masculine instead of being cherished and happy, while with someone who claims to love you, is drawn out suffering.But you want to know what’s shocking and confusing in all this? That you have chosen to not do anything about it. You’ve become comfortable with bare minimum out of fear of going out of your comfort zone and it’s slowly killing you inside.
  54. You are okay with dynamics where there is imbalanced masculine-feminine polarity, because this is your current energetic range. This is what your nervous system, and your belief system can currently handle.And so sadly, for you, role reversals where you overwork yourself, and situations where you get emotionally drained are the norm. Instead of being turned off by emotionally unavailable men, or those who are not interested in you, these are the kind of people you cling to.
  55. There will never be a shortage of men with low-value and low-quality behaviors. Your task is to avoid these guys as much as possible and give room for mature, masculine and high-value men to have space in your life.
  56. Truth be told, most careers require us women to be in our masculine energy more than in our feminine. But that does not mean you have to ignore or neglect your feminine power to adopt a more masculine approach to every phase of your life.Because you do not have to become like a man to be respected!
  57. Women who think that the soft power that comes from elegance & femininity is weak and a waste of time, strive become agressive, dominating & manlike, but that’s how they lose their feminine power!On the other hand, women who knows how to wield their feminine energy get more invites, more opportunities, more social capital and resources which help them get ahead much faster!
  58. One of the key benefits of leaning into your feminine energy is that you learn how to stop chasing & being desperate for love and pouring into dead end relationships and instead, you conserve your energy for only high quality experiences!
  59. Ways you’re chasing him; making plans for dates he didn’t even propose, making follow up plans to keep things going, showing up unannounced and uninvited, covering his bills and taking care of his finances.And guess what? He sees you struggling to make all this effort, and he doesn’t do anything to make it any easier. So why are you still chasing him?
  60. Good men exist. That may not be your experience but kind, generous, resourceful men who also listen and whose presence does not cause you anxiety, exist.If you have majorly paired with men who don’t fit into this profile, and who cause you heartache, take this as a reminder that a different kind of experience is possible for you!
  61. Embracing your feminine essence is not the same as giving up your rights, erasing the gains women have acquired over the last 70 years and going back to the era before suffrage.It is about stepping into your womanhood as a modern woman, unapologetically, and embracing all parts of you with confidence.
  62. There’s so much more to being feminine than looking pretty. And since it’s a life long journey, your expression of your femininity will evolve as you mature.So, are you aware of what you need to embrace and what you need to let go of in order to nurture your femininity just as you are now?
  63. For a timeless sophisticated look, avoid these trends; baggy clothes that make you look sloppy, wearing excessive logos to prove you can afford designer, distressed clothing, neon color palettes, fast fashion, and tacky accessories.Trends come and go, but timeless style choices will give you that quiet confident look that many desire, but can’t quite seem to pull off.
  64. Unfortunately for some, the social class you were born into limited the kind of opportunities you had access to earlier in life. Fortunately, as an adult, you have the agency and the chance to steer your life in the direction you want.Knowing how to make a good impression, how to provide value to your networks and how to build your social capital are sure ways to open doors and create your own opportunities for success, regardless of your background.
  65. Attracting effeminate men, being competitive with the men around you, and feeling like being feminine is weak and backward are clear signs of being out of touch with your feminine energy.
  66. Rediscover and embody your feminine energy, so that you can elevate and raise your standards from the inside out. That way, you will stop investing in dead-end relationships and instead build and create space for fulfilling healthy relationships.
  67. Every woman has an entry point into her femininity journey. Mine was curiousity & a heartbreak 5 years ago. For another it could be the desire to dress better, for another it could be the desire for finer things in life, for another it could be the ambition to marry well.
  68. Everything you need is already within you; nothing should hold you back — yourself included. Embrace the change and take small steps towards your new destiny because old ways won’t open new doors, and also because the only way you’ll see results is if you stay consistent. (August 29, 2020)
  69. You’ve outgrown your old self and you know it. And perhaps you’re scared of what awaits you. However, you shouldn’t waste time waiting for the right time because it will never come. The SECRET to living the life of your dreams and getting ahead is to get started — now. (August 29, 2020)
  70. The first thing people notice about you is your appearance, not your personality. Your dressing, grooming and body language should make a great first impression! (September 15, 2020)
  71. The best thing you can do is just try. Even if you’re scared. Even if you do not know what you’ll do next. Something good will always come from trying (Sept 23,2020)
  72. Do it scared. Do it knowing that you won’t know everything. Do it even though you don’t feel ready. Do it without perfection. Whatever you do, take the leap and go for it. (Sept 23, 2020)
  73. If it doesn’t make you feel great about yourself, Get rid of it. (Nov 2, 2020)
  74. Repeat after me: My dream life is possible. I have a plan and it’s in motion. I am going to make it happen no matter what. (Sept 23, 2020)
  75. You know it’s time to level up when you start to see for yourself that you deserve better; a better lifestyle, better relationships & friendships, better experiences without being told. (Feb 3, 2021)
  76. The way you present yourself when you leave the house matters. You might meet someone that could change your life or connect you to someone who could change your life by looking well put together. (Aug 23, 2021)
  77. If you want to lessen your chance of being approached by dusties (low quality men), you have to position yourself in settings where there are men of high quality! (Aug 23, 2021)
  78. The type of man you desire isn’t going to show up at your front door. You have to put yourself out there & date! (Aug 23, 2021)
  79. Pursuing a glamorised version of femininity, while skipping the inner work when it comes to feminine energy, will keep you stagnated for a long time to come. You’ll be trapped at surface level femininity. (Feb 23, 2022)
  80. The difference between ladies who succeed in their level up and those who don’t is that the successful ladies are keen on these 3 things: their inner work, their branding & image, and the kind of people they surround themselves with. (Mar 2, 2022)
  81. You will rest in your femininity in your relationship when you feel safe and secure. Being with a man who is feminine or full of toxic masculinity will force you to be masculine. (Mar 22, 2022)
  82. Stop placing men who haven’t done anything for you on a pedestal. (Mar 24, 2022)
  83. Stop dating men who make your life miserable. A man who doesn’t love, respect and support you, has no business living rent free in your heart. Realign your priorities! (Mar 24, 2022)
  84. As a lady, you will attract both good and bad guys, both high-value and low-value men. What you need is to have great vetting skills that will help you avoid getting yourself in relationships and situationships that leave you bitter, jaded, and heartbroken. (Apr 5, 2022)
  85. There will never be a shortage of men with low-value and low-quality behaviors. Your task is to avoid these guys as much as possible and give room for mature, masculine and high-value men to have space in your life. (Apr 5, 2022)
  86. Nothing stings more than the pain of regret, and as a young elegant lady who’s looking to get into a serious relationship with a man who is worth your while, it’s prudent to know what kinds of men to give your time of day, and which ones to dodge like a bullet. (Apr 5, 2022)
  87. Dating or marrying a broke guy without a financial plan is a terrible personal finance decision. And yes, relationships are not all about money, but money does in fact, to a great extent, buy happiness. Statistics show that money problems are among the leading causes of divorce. (Apr 5, 2022)
  88. It is unlikely that a man in a committed relationship who is cheating with you will leave his wife or girlfriend because he’s getting the best of both worlds. And if he does leave, he may choose someone else, or he may also cheat on you. Why? He’s already shown you his character. (Apr 5, 2022)
  89. Every woman has an entry point into her femininity journey. Mine was curiousity & a heartbreak 5 years ago. For another it could be the desire to dress better, for another it could be the desire for finer things in life, for another it could be the ambition to marry well. Whatever your entry point is, take it, and use it to rediscover your femininity. There’s so much power within you, that’s laying dormant waiting for you to come home to yourself! (Apr 28, 2022)
  90. It may seem trivial, but being in touch with your femininity is like finding the key to your essence as a woman. It unlocks the door to higher standards (for life, for men, for yourself), deep nourishing self-care, & allows you to see firm boundaries are worth having. (Apr 28, 2022)
  91. When most of your friendships and relationships are transactional, you will have a hard time being receptive without feelings of guilt of not doing/giving something in return. You’ll also be afraid/on guard that the giver will ask you for something in return. (Jul 20, 2022)
  92. When you have wounded feminine energy you MAY become a people pleaser. How so? Your feminine energy becomes wounded when you’re dishonored, abused, disrespected or taken for granted. Thus, you are not able to say no because you are afraid you will be loved less or rejected. (Jul 20, 2022)
  93. Unfortunately, the more masculine traits you embody as a woman, the more unmanly men you will attract. This is how polarity works. Feminine women, on the other hand, attract and keep masculine men who are happy and eager to court them, tend to their needs and cherish them. (Jul 27, 2022)
  94. Femininity is embodied differently; not every woman fits into the stereotypical girly & pink feminine stereotype. And rightfully so. Discover your unique feminine archetype so that you can embody your feminine energy in a way that makes you feel confident, alive, & happy. (Aug 2, 2022)
  95. If in the past you settled for less in love, with your friendships, or your life in general, this is your reminder that there’s always a chance to start afresh and create the life you desire. Do not let the past hold back. (Aug 4, 2022)
  96. To fully embody your feminine energy as a lady, you need to unlearn the conditioning you received from our patriarchial society, your family, and your mother (figure), that has made you masculine in most areas of your life. (Aug 17, 2022)
  97. It’s one thing to gather knowledge about feminine energy, and it’s another to have the embodiment that makes you a feminine woman. (Aug 19, 2022)
  98. When a woman is largely unaware of her feminine power, she will behave in ways that belittle her; for example, she will chase and pursue men who do not want her, she will cause drama to get attention and she will hold onto her limiting beliefs about men and women for dear life. (Sep 6, 2022)
  99. Dear lady, burnout is the way your body is telling you to slow down and ease into your softness, into your essence, into your feminine energy. Are you listening? (Sep 6, 2022)
  100. Painful relationship patterns are there to teach you something. So take some time off, before getting into the next relationship, and ask yourself; is your feminine energy wounded and suppressed? Are you dominantly masculine as a survival and protective mechanism? (sep 6, 2022)
  101. Embodiment is the secret that allows you to go from wishing you can be an elegant feminine woman, to actually being the dream version of yourself. (sep 8, 2022)
  102. Embodying your feminine energy allows you to receive on a much deeper level than just compliments, romantic love, gifts. You open yourself up to receive even things that you previously did not feel qualified for, or worthy of, because you discover you’re worth it. (sep 26, 2022)
  103. Elegance is like a tool you use to help you become more confident, so that you take on life the way you should- without worrying about your image… It is the attutide of wanting and asking the best for yourself in how you treat yourself & others. (Sep 26, 2022)
  104. To embody the light, wild and free essence of your feminine energy you have to let go of the resistance that’s holding you back. Resistance takes many forms & experiences and circumstances. It can even be the anger you feel towards being feminine – because rediscovering it brings to the surface all the things you’d suppressed that made you hide it in the first place. Resistance can look like finally getting that healthy masculine man you’ve aways wanted, and your whole being looking for ways to mess it up. Resistance can look like finally getting a chance to relocate & start afresh, & you looking for ways to delay that. You can let go of your old story. It’s safe to let go of the weight. Give yourself the permission to be open and free, because it’s safe to let the good things to come into your life. (Sept 26, 2022)
  105. Attracting effeminate men, being competitive with the men around you, and feeling like being feminine is weak and backward are clear signs of being out of touch with your feminine energy. (Jul 16, 2023)
  106. Rediscover and embody your feminine energy, so that you can elevate and raise your standards from the inside out. That way, you will stop investing in dead-end relationships and instead build and create space for fulfilling healthy relationships. (Jun 10, 2023)
  107. Elevation requires separation. And in your transformation as you level up, you will need to seperate yourself from unhelpful relationships, patterns and mindsets that no longer serve you, and where you are going. The Question is, why are you still holding on so tightly? (May 18, 2023)
  108. Want to become feminine? Surround yourself with feminine and elegant women who also celebrate the embodied feminine in other women, and the healthy masculine in men. (Apr 25, 2023)
  109. To attract and cultivate a transformational and fantastic friendship circle; step out of your comfort zone and meet people who embody your next desired level, be open to their invitations, try new hobbies, and have time in your calendar for intentional socialising. (Apr 24, 2023)
  110. Yes, it hurts to love someone who for some reason does not see how awesome you are. But do not let the pain be an excuse to embarrass yourself by accepting less than you deserve. Let him go, and make room for the one who is for you. (Apr 16, 2023)
  111. Having high standards will keep you from mediocre experiences. Even in love, to get the most respect, and admiration be clear on what you will allow and what is unacceptable. Being a people pleaser harms you more than it appeases others, so have high standards and keep them! (Apr 16, 2023)
  112. He may have said he likes you, or that you are easy to talk to, or fun to be with, but if his words do not match his actions and if he has his focus elsewhere, or he is never ready he may not be the one for you . Accept this with grace and give room to the one who is for you. (Apr 16, 2023)
  113. You have all you need; the brains, the beauty, the smarts, the network to achieve the the dreams you have in mind but if you do not have the confidence to get out of your comfort zone, they will remain just that. Ask yourself, who or what has been stealing your confidence? (Apr 15, 2023)
  114. The only person who has the final say on who has access to your heart is you. And so why are so many women jaded, heartbroken and disillusioned about relationships? Because there’s a great lack of vetting skills when it comes to romantic relationships. (Feb 10, 2023)
  115. If someone repeatedly shows you that you are not their first choice, not their priority, why are you still hanging on for dear life? You are settling for the placeholder title, is that the best you can do? (Jan 14, 2023)
  116. If prioritising your needs, taking care of yourself, indulging in luxury, and only allowing a select few to have access to you means you are high-maintenance, so be it. For every person that says you are high-maintainance, another is ready to meet you at your level. Don’t settle. (Dec 7, 2023)
  117. It is time to break up with low-value patterns like chasing men, begging for love, neglecting your self-care and your mental health, putting yourself and your needs last, and being a people pleaser. (Dec 5, 2023)
  118. Once you decide to commit to embodying your feminine energy, you will no longer want to be in situationships or relationships that make you question your worth or make you feel like you are hard to love. Question is, what is holding you back? (Dec 5, 2022)
  119. Raising the bar for the quality of your life has to start with you; NO ONE CAN DO IT FOR YOU. It also does not happen overnight; it is the small incremental consistent changes that gradually make you a levelled up and elegant lady. (Sep 26, 2022)
  120. Elegance can also be a means to an end. You may not have everything you want right now, you may not have everything you need right now, but you have the ability to use what you have; your polished image, refined social skills, and magnetic feminine energy to move forward. (sep 26, 2022)
  121. As a mature feminine woman, you are not weaker than masculine men and women because the opposite energies are not in competition with each other. They complement each other. (Jul 27, 2022)

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